Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Location Claustrophobia

Sometimes I just feel the need to scream this at the top of my lungs. Yesterday and today have been prime examples. I just get so fed up living here. It's like I'm stuck in an elevator between floors with no air conditioning. No matter how loud I scream, I'm stuck in there, sweating.

I need to get out of here or do something interesting or SOMETHING! I feel like I've been stuck in this boring-ass cycle of work, working out, mindless errands, and TV watching (on our broke-ass TV might I add...). Maybe when J has time off in Aug. we can get out and do something fun. It's just hard to normally since he works weekends.

Where I really want to be is here:

Image found here.

Chillin in the 80 degree weather at Lake Calhoun in Mpls. I can't wait til we get to move back there. It's gonna be such a relief. I can finally get out of the stuffy elevator and take a nice deep breath.

Until then, I'll have to tough it out I guess.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Haha! I used that e-card on my blog a few weeks ago. I have lived in Minneapolis for 8 years and have never been to Lake Calhoun. Shame, I know...